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We Are Licensing – Nolen Sweet

Aug. 22, 2021 |


Our teams depth of licensing experience makes all the difference when it comes to supporting the #brandlicensing industry and we’re proud to share some of them with you.

Today’s team member is Account Manager, Nolen Sweet who works directly with our clients to help them achieve their goals through technology and optimize their BrandComply experience. Nolen joined our team last year after 15 years in licensing at Realtree. When asked what he enjoys most about his role Nolen shared: “Octane5 has a close knit culture where the team works together which makes every day a lot of fun. I also really enjoy the way we strive for continuous improvement to enhance our tools and partner to our clients. Licensing is all about relationships and I really enjoy and value the friendships made over the years in the industry!” Well said Nolen! #wearelicensing#teamcollaboration