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The launch of Ted's Talk!

Nov. 10, 2022 |


Octane5's own Ted Larkins begins his series, "Ted's Talk," where he shares his thoughts on today's world, business and living your best life! If you're familiar with "The Get To Principle" then you know that Ted is full of inspiring, thought-provoking topics to be shared with colleagues, friends, and family.

Check out this months Ted's Talk below:

Welcome to Ted's Talk! - https://youtu.be/Pl2RO0iaD2g

Predictable Miracles - https://youtu.be/mvQfShPXGv4

Man On The Street In NYC - https://youtu.be/BeE9J610Ilw

You Don't HAVE to Watch This - https://youtu.be/Fw6eRbCjCOE