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Auditing 2020: Where The Money Is

Sept. 25, 2020 |


In case you missed our Episode 5 of our Octane5 webinar series, you can watch it here.
Thanks to our Special Guest – Chris Muggleton head of The Licensing Advisory Consultancy and all-around Royalties Guru.
Chris’ expertise in auditing was clear as he shared some key takeaways with attendees including:

  • Audit can be a profit center for your licensing program
  • Audit is an expected part of the relationship with your licensees and should be done during the contract period.  Don’t wait until you terminate the agreement!
  • Technology, like BrandComply, is enabling faster, more thorough and more cost effective auditing
  • Don’t forget about product approvals and ensuring all product sold was authorized
  • Know your manufacturing locations

There is much more to learn in this webinar, so take a listen and let us know what you think.

Watch Here