Is your program's success just about royalities? Most likely not. But how do you measure your success, and more importantly, how do you communicate it?
We understand that so much of the success around licensing can be difficult to measure. Until now. The Octane5 P.R.E.P (Performance, Risk, Efficiency and Perception) Score and Managed Intelligence program are your keys to measuring all aspects of your program.
Financials are only one small indicator of success. Through our P.R.E.P. program, we can monitor and benchmark the KPIs that matter most to YOUR organization and then help you communicate those to all of the stakeholders within your company,
Talk to us about how we can elevate your business.

It's a simple process. First we help you prioritize what's important. Then we score on how well prepared you are. Then we plan, implement, measure and adjust. Ask us how we can increase Performance, reduce Risk, maximize Efficiency, and measure Perception of your licensing program.

Ever wonder how your program compares to other world-class programs?
Would bench-marking provide valuable insights?
Would Actionable Information lead you to make better decisions?
If you answered yes, to one or more, our Managed Intelligence service is for you.